Charleston, S.C. – The most common type of cancer in American women, after skin cancers, is breast cancer. This is a problem that affects women all over the world. Data shows that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lives. This shows that women across the United States are fighting a battle that starts every two minutes. Men can also get this disease, though it happens much less often. The main risk factors are being female and getting older.
Breast cancer awareness month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is a glimmer of hope in this ongoing battle. Across the U.S., cities, healthcare organizations, and support groups come together to raise awareness and lift the spirits of people who are fighting breast cancer. This is why people gather to show support in different ways throughout the month of October.
According to Rockwall News, a North Texas based company called The Joy of Clean provides free cleaning services to breast cancer patients in the area of Rockwall and Rowlett. They want to raise awareness and help those in need with cleaning their homes, a promotion that runs by the end of the month.
In Charleston, the North Charleston PD is supporting Breast Cancer Awareness month their own way. During October NCPD officers are wearing pink badges.
On Wednesday, October 25, the Charleston International Airport (CHS) will “turn pink” in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Speaking on Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. Rebecca Leddy, Director of Breast Imaging and Professor of Radiology at The Medical University of South Carolina, shared some exciting developments in breast cancer research earlier this month.
About breast cancer in recent years
Since the early 1990s, the death rates for this scary condition have been going down, which is good news. A big reason for this trend is that early spotting methods and treatment plans have gotten better. Regular screenings, like mammograms, which should start at age 40, and personalized therapy have helped more than 80% of women who were found in the early stages beat the disease and live for five years or more.
But the path from detection to treatment to survival is complicated because there are different types of breast cancer that need different treatments. There are a lot of different and hopeful treatments out there, from surgery and radiation to chemotherapy and targeted therapy, which is a more targeted approach. Even though the disease is very bad, it is getting easier to beat, and the millions of women who have done so are proof of the strength of the human spirit.
Even though pink ribbons are all over the world, it is still very important to raise awareness, teach people, and fund research into better cures. Every October, people from all walks of life work together to bring attention to both the problem at hand and the hope that grows with each story of a survivor and every major step forward in medical science.
In this way, Breast Cancer Awareness Month is like a lighthouse that points the way to a future where this type of cancer is fully known, effectively treated, and, even better, never happens in the first place.