Job fair in Florence on Thursday, almost 60 companies looking for workers

Florence, South Carolina – More than 60 companies are looking for workers on the job fair that will take place on Thursday in Florence, hosts inform.

Everyone looking for job is welcome to visit the fair as there will be many different job positions.

The event will take place at the Florence Regional Airport from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. The job fair is hosted by SC Works Pee Dee, Greater Florence Chamber of Commerce and the Florence Regional Airport.

Hosts informed that Covid-19 measures will be applied during the event. Every visitor should wear mask and keep social distance.

Workers should bring copies of their resume to share with employers. Rep. Tom Rice will be a special guest.

This is the list of companies looking to hire workers:

  1. Adeeco
  2. Ard Trucking
  3. Blood Connection
  4. Blue Cross and Blue Shield
  5. Canfor
  6. City of Florence
  7. City of Lake City
  8. Clean World
  9. Coastal Plains Restaurant
  10. Comfort Keepers
  11. Diamond Hill Plywood
  12. Elite Quartz Manufacturing
  13. Fibers Industries
  14. Florence Chamber Of Commerce
  15. Florence County DSN Board
  16. Florence Regional Airport
  17. Georgia Pacific
  18. Gregory Poole
  19. Harbor Freight
  20. Hope Health
  21. I H Services
  22. Kelly Services
  23. Kelly Services (Education)
  24. Marion Dillon County Board of Disabilities and Special Need
  25. McCall Farms
  26. McLeod Health
  27. Nan Ya Plastics South Carolina Plant
  28. Nightingale
  29. Palmetto Corp
  30. Palmetto Staffing
  31. PDRTA
  32. Pee Dee C.A.P Headstart
  33. People Ready
  34. Pepsi Cola of Florence
  35. QVC
  36. Raines Hospitality
  37. Raldex Hospitality
  38. Ruiz Food
  40. SC VOC Rehab
  41. SC Youth ChalleNGe Academy
  43. Signode
  44. SMFC
  45. Social Security Administration (SSA)
  46. South Carolina Highway Patrol
  47. South East Express
  48. Southern Crown Partners
  49. Staybridge Suite Raldex
  50. Tender Care Home Health
  51. Terminix
  52. The Yanhis Cxompany
  53. Thermo King of Florence
  54. True To You In- Home Patient Care
  55. Veteran Village Nursing Home
  56. Victors
  57. W. Lee Flowers
  58. Wyman Gordon

Cindy Carey


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