South Carolina records fifth straight day over 1,000 new COVID-19 cases

For the fifth day in a row, South Carolina recorded over 1,000 new COVID-19 cases.

The state also recorded a 15.4 percent positive on Saturday, continuing the streak of every day in November staying above 10 percent positive.

The Department of Health and Environmental Control announced 1,617 new confirmed cases, 86 new probable cases, nine confirmed deaths and zero probable deaths.

This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 182,943, probable cases to 11,071, total confirmed deaths to 3,844 and probable deaths to 266.

There was one death recorded in the Lowcountry in Charleston County.

As for cases, the Lowcountry remained relatively low compared to the rest of the state.

Greenville County added 275 new cases, Richland. Spartanburg and York counties all recorded over 100 new cases and Lexington County had 93 new cases.

Charleston County had 68 new cases, while Beaufort, Berkeley and Dorchester counties were between 28-32 new cases

For cases by county, click HERE.

For deaths by county, click HERE.

For more information on COVID-19 by county, click HERE.

Monica Doyle


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