“Don’t blame Trump, you are stuck with these two s—heads.” Anti-Biden billboard angers local residents, removal almost impossible

The anti-Biden billboard that appeared in Maryland angers the local residents who are now asking the banner to be removed. The banner features a cartoon image of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris with the quote, “Don’t blame Trump, you are stuck with these two s—heads.”

Part of the community became so furious on how they call it “Pro-Trump billboard” and now they seeking billboard removal.

According to this group, the banner is inappropriate and features graphic language voicing concern that young children drive by the sign. The banner is located in Huntingtown, Maryland, near the intersection of Route 4 and Bowie Shop Road.

“It’s just vulgar,” Jeanette Flaim, chairwoman of the Calvert County Democratic Central Committee, said. “Kids are going to school, and they’re going by it every day, and parents are driving their kids. We just don’t think kids should have to see that or parents should have to explain that.”

“There is nothing that we as county government can do for language that’s on a legal sign,” Buddy Hance, Board of County Commissioners President said. “You know this country was built on the foundation of free speech, and sometimes we like what that free speech says, and sometimes we don’t.”

Flaim added she hopes a pressure campaign might help in billboard removal, which in this case, the billboard is completely legal and taking-off is almost impossible.

Cindy Carey


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