Biden administration and Democrats are blaming Donald Trump and his supporters to be responsible for the low vaccination rates in the country, while the health experts are trying hard to convince the vaccine hesitant people to receive the shot. It looks like the media needed someone to blame for the unsuccessful vaccination process so far and Trump was the right figure for their intentions.
According to the latest data provided by CDC, more than 97% of the currently hospitalized patients across United States are not vaccinated, while more than 99.5% of all reported deaths during the last six months were not vaccinated.
The Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus known to be more infectious compared to all previous known variants, is increasing the number of positive cases in almost every state in the last few weeks. Recent studies have shown that the efficacy of the vaccines drops against the Delta variant, but their effectiveness against severe condition and death are still pretty high.
A recent Washington Post-ABC poll shows that people are politically divided over the vaccination. According to the poll, 93% of Democrats said they are either vaccinated or plan to get the shot sometime soon. On the opposite, only 49% of Republicans answered they are already vaccinated or plan to get vaccinated in near future. It seems that the recent poll was enough for the media to slam Trump and make him responsible for the low vaccination rates.
“I discussed it with my team and they say the thing that has more impact than anything Trump would say to the MAGA folks is what the local doctors, what the local preachers, what the local people in the community say,” Biden said in March when reporter asked him if he thinks that Trump should be enlisted to help promote vaccine.
Trump retains great influence with people who voted for him, but he hasn’t asked anyone not to get the shot. Or at least not publicly.
Meanwhile, multiple Fox hosts including Sean Hannity, changed their narrative when it comes to the vaccines and encouraged the people to get vaccinated claiming vaccines are safe. After months of biased reporting on the coronavirus, their narrative changed as soon as last week.
But the moment everyone was waiting for happened last weekend in Arizona on Phoenix’s Trump rally on Saturday. Trump as usual continued to entertain his supporters with the Election’s false claims, but he also did something that surprised many, he encouraged the crowd to get vaccinated!
The former president told supporters in Arizona “How about the vaccine? I came up the with vaccine”, appearing to take credit for the scientific development of the jab.
“They said it would take three to five years, [it’s] going to save the world” he continued.
“I recommend you take it” he told the crowd, before hedging his encouragement, “but I believe in your freedoms 100 per cent”.
The video Trump encouraging his supporters to get vaccinated can be seen here.
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